Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"Looking Within" from the book Profit From Experience

According to Hindu Legend, there was a time on Earth when people possessed the wisdom of the gods. But the veil of physical life kept human beings from fully appreciating this gift. Brahma concluded that it was wrong to leave such precious treasure lying at the feet of sleepwalkers. So he decided to hide it where only the most persistent would ever discover it.

"Let's bury it deep in the earth, "one god suggested.

"No," replied Brahma. "People will dig down in the earth and find it."

"Then let's put in the deepest ocean," said another.

Brahma rejected that idea, too. "People will learn to dive and will find it someday," he said.

A third god asked, "Why don't we hide it on the highest mountain?"

Brahma answered, " No, people can climb the highest mountain. I have a better place. Let's hide it deep inside the people themselves; they'll never think to look there.

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